Montessori Graduation Ceremony and Annual Day Celebration #building a better future

Montessori Graduation Ceremony and Annual Day Celebration

#building a better future

The Montessori graduation ceremony and the Annual Function of the Junior Wing of Ryan International School, Faridabad ,spread in two shows,was held on 28 February ,2024 in School Amphitheatre,with the theme 'building a better future'.The ceremony marked a significant milestone for the graduating toddlers ,as they transitioned from the Montessori Program to the next stage of their academic journey.

The ceremony commenced with surrendering to Almighty and seeking His blessings in the form of Bible Reading, Lord's Prayer and Special Prayer. A warm welcome was extended to the distinguished guests and parents in varied languages.The event was graced by an array of thirty guests from varied arenas including Ms Asha Dhaiya District Education Officer, Mr Ms Nidhi Nandrajog, Model and infuencer, Dr Mohd Nasim Masoori, Scientist, Dr Dinesh Raghuvsnshi, Ghazal writer and school alumni who are doing exemplary work in their feilds. 

The pelothra of cultural items included captivating performances like, Happiness Dance, Lets Sing Together,Instrumental performance ,Rhythmic beats, added to the splendour of the event.Victory Rhythm,'Heal the World 'the closing dance by the well trained young ryanites, left the audience spellbound . 

Outstanding students were recognized for their academic achievements, leadership qualities, and contributions to the school community. Awards were presented to commend their dedication and excellence throughout their Montessori journey.

The pious graduation gesture  of the presentation of scroll and ceremonial procession, symbolized the students' readiness to embark on the next phase of their educational journey. These rituals ,with students clad in gowns and scrolls, encapsulated the significance of the momentous occasion for both students and parents alike.

The Montessori graduation ceremony of Ryan Faridabad was a resounding success, summing the essence of the Montessori philosophy – fostering independence, creativity, and a lifelong love for learning. As the graduating students bid farewell to their Montessori years, they carry with them the invaluable lessons and experiences that will guide them towards a future filled with possibilities.

This ceremony not only celebrated the achievements of the graduating class, but also highlighted the essence of 'holistic development 'of children which is the vision of Respected Chairman Sir Dr A. F Pinto and Managing Director Madam Dr Grace Pinto. The guests in their speech appreciated the collaborative efforts of teachers and parents in nurturing the young brigade to be the future harbingers of    love, peace and co-existance in the society. The Principal, Ms Peeya Sharma in her words promised of conducive and inclusive environment at school , essential for the healthy bringing up of students.
